So… what exactly *is* PR?

More than a few people have tentatively asked the question over the past few weeks, and it’s one I’m surprised I don’t get more often. When I first stepped into the industry, I remember the head scratching from my friends and family until I’d open the newspaper and say, “I helped make this story happen”.  


If you accept my definition of it, public relations (PR) is all about helping people and organisations – whether that’s a business, entrepreneur, charity or public service – build and maintain reputations.


Traditionally, the PR remit has centred on earning media coverage, and that is still the main reason why PR consultants are hired. If you see an “as seen in” on a website with logos or links to press coverage, there is often a PR professional working behind the scenes to build media profile for the brand. The methods for achieving this are varied, and can range from press releases to media tours, from interviews to market research stories, from stunts to contributed opinion pieces, and more.


But beyond tradition, we are expert communicators who advise on internal communications (between an organisation’s leadership and its employees), craft website and social media content, and even create direct communications for customers or stakeholders.


Businesses often turn to PR agencies to generate excitement for a new product or launch, to raise the profile of their leadership, or for help standing out next to the competition.


And, while it’s easy to assume the industry is all about highlighting the good times, it’s important to note that PR experts also help organisations own mistakes, show humility, and in time, move reputations forward. If an issue is brewing behind closed doors, you will (hopefully!) find a communications professional advising on how to handle it both internally and in the public eye.


In a nutshell, PR helps organisations choose what, when and where to say something, enhancing their reputations in the long run.



This is the first part in a series all about PR. If you’d like to discuss how it can elevate your business, get in touch for a zero-obligation consultation.